The first thing to learn that relates to park is a pop. This is the key to all tricks and a solid strong powerful pop is essential. Start on a flat area of ground while stationary and practice popping. You should be centred on your skis. This means that you are stacked. Your shoulders are over your knees and your knees are over your toes. This is achieved by bending all the joints in your legs evenly. Ankles, knees and hips. You should have even pressure across the bottom of your feet and feel your shins pressing slightly into the front of your boots. Crouch in this position and then extend all you joints as explosively as possible. Start at the ankle and work up, this is the most effective way to use the power stored in your legs and skis. Make sure your ski lifts off the ground level. Common Mistake - Sucking your legs up rather than pushing down off the snow. Practice this whilst sliding slowly and then progress onto rollers or small moguls. Then progress it to jumps. It can seem scary as it feels as though you are making the jump bigger but the best way to think of it is that if you pop, you are in control of your air and if you don't then the jump is.